With an increased focus on environment and how smart farming applications can help to optimise the application of natural fertiliser, Samson is now taking steps to not only develop future machines, which comply to the standards, but also upgrading existing machines.

On this basis, Samson now offers a new ISOBUS upgrade the “ISO-SlurryMaster 6000” add-on which allows TC-GEO – variable rate application for all Samson slurry tankers with a SlurryMaster 6000 control system dating back to year 2006.

ISOBUS TC-GEO – Variable Rate Application (VRA)

With the ISOBUS TC-GEO Variable Rate Application (VRA) in SlurryMaster 6000, the user is now able to apply natural fertiliser via an automated process in conjunction with an ISOBUS compatible GPS system.

The new ISOBUS functionality allows automatic synchronisation of implement data between SlurryMaster 6000 and the GPS system. This ensures conformity between the two systems in relation to the work carried out, while the user is helped to make the correct system settings. Implement data is stored individually for all implements created in the SlurryMaster 6000 control.

With ISOBUS TC-GEO, an assessment of the optimal fertilisation strategy can be carried out easily using yield maps from previous years or by using the NDVI vegetation index, which is usually available via satellite or drone imagery. The result of this is an application map, which controls the application volume via the tractor’s GPS system and the SlurryMaster 6000.

ISO-SlurryMaster 6000 is compatible with newer GPS systems from various suppliers.

Prepared for the future

Utilising the Samson flow-meter and ISO-SlurryMaster 6000 ensures very precise application of the nutrients available in natural fertiliser. This increases the yield potential because of more efficient fertilisation, but it also has environmental benefits by reducing local overfertilisation and applying nutrients depending on the absorption potential of the soil as well as the plants.

“We are aware of our responsibility. It is important that also existing machines comply to new environmental standards. We strive to develop solutions, which are setting standards for future farming. We have done this for decades – the SlurryMaster 6000 is prepared for new features, which we now take in use with ISO-SlurryMaster 6000.” says Product Manager for slurry tankers and implements at SAMSON, Niels Haubjerg.

With ISO-SlurryMaster 6000 SAMSON is now fully entering the ISOBUS-world. ISO-SlurryMaster 6000 is available for implementation in all SlurryMaster 6000 control systems from year 2006.